Oct 21, 2006

Beard Papas

I let the Krispy Kreme craze fly right by. Beard Papa's however pulled me in with it's tractor beam, if you are not familiar with Beard Papa's I will fill you in. It's a cream puff. Not just any cream puff, but a cream puff that just arrived her in LA (sawtelle to be exact). It hails from Japan, and if you are lucky enough to snag one before they sell out, you will be hooked on them and will soon fiend them at the most random times. It is the Japanese version of the Krispy Kreme and I can see why. It has a light egg-y, croissant-textured shell with a cream custard filling and is sprinkled with powdered sugar. If you take my advice and seek out this deliciousness give me a call, I will ride shotgun.


Anonymous said...

I concur. I did not hesitate jumping two senior citizens the other weekend, as they had the last two. Those bastards.

Unknown said...

duuuude, we go to this place all the time in NYC... excellent.