Apr 26, 2010

SoCal Meteorologist Rankings - #5 Dallas Raines

Here's the thing about Dallas Raines, you either love him or hate him. There is no middle ground on his likeability. I personally used to hate him but now fall into the latter group. Initially I had a "you have got to be effing kidding me" moments when I first watched Dallas doing our local weather several years ago. Who is this guy with a ridiculous name, orange overtanned skin, and cheesy car salesman persona. I couldn't stand him. But he grew on me like mold. He is actually an extremely talented weatherman, second only to one other who shall be mentioned later. He communicates well, has a lot of energy, and seems to be much more detailed when we do have weather systems coming through the Southland. You just have to get over his shiny veneer and accept Dallas for who he is. And I have to give him some credit, he came out and was very forthright when he found out he had prostate cancer which was a very brave thing to do.

Knowledge and Professionalism: 9
Entertainment Value: 8
Appearance: 7
Total: 24

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