May 7, 2010

SoCal Meteorologist Rankings - #4 Jackie Johnson

It may be a shock to some that Jackie Johnson is ranked a paltry #4 in my rankings since Jackie burst onto the weather scene here in SoCal only a few years ago and has become very popular due to her looks. My wife used to work at KCAL and I remember a certain friend of mine trying very hard to get her to set him up with Jackie... nice try bud. As appealing to the eye as Jackie is, to me she seems a little too stoic and lacking of an outgoing personality. At times it actually seems forced. You can tell that she takes forecasting very serious but is also serious, the viewing audience appreciates a little personality to lighten it up. Like I mentioned before, much of the newscast is devoted to drive by's, bank robberies, etc. Let's have some fun when the weather comes on... since it's SoCal, weather is never a serious topic like it would be most any other place. But a small victory for Jackie will be that she is the only meteorologist in my rankings to score a perfect 10 on appearance which definitely drove her overall score up and can't be too bad for the confidence.
Jackie is from Michigan and dated Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins fame last year for a while. You can find her on Channel 9 and Channel 2.

Knowledge and Professionalism: 8
Entertainment Value: 7
Appearance: 10
Total: 25

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