Mar 17, 2010

SoCal Meteorologist Rankings - #9 Mark Kriski

There is really nothing I can say about poor Mark Kriski that Howard Stern hasn't already said unless that is I chose to say some nice thing about Kriski. There are few people in this world that you do not pick a fight with, and I would say that Shock Jockey Howard Stern probably belongs to that list. Stern went on a tirade of the irrelevance of weatherman (specifically Kriski) for a good 20 minutes in retort to Kriski saying that Stern has been more irrelevant since leaving radio to go to Sirius, obviously something that Stern is pretty sensitive about. It's actually pretty hilarious how bad Stern rips on Kriski saying things like he has a spray painted head and a facelift, he's a f*@king douchebag, etc. Check it here if you are so inclined.

I have been watching Kriski off and on since I was in high school back in the 90's, back then he seemed like a used car salesman who would always flirt with Jennifer York in the Skycam helicopter.... kind of made your skin crawl sometimes actually. Over the years though Kriski has mellowed out and takes his job as seriously as he can while being on the KTLA morning news I guess and now that he has gotten the attention of Stern for a nano-second he is hated by millions of Stern listeners instead of just disliked by thousands of Angeleno's.

Knowledge and Professionalism: 6
Entertainment Value: 6
Appearance: 7
Total: 19

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